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Sheppard's excellent book, The Fall of Rome and the Rise of New Nationalities, a passage in which he transfers the whole comi-tragedy from Italy of old to England in 1861. 'I have not thought it necessary to give a separate and distinct reply to the theory of Mr. Congreve, that Roman Imperialism was the type of all good government, and a desirable precedent for ourselves.

But it cannot be urged against her that it was her habit to effect these agreeable conclusions to her social histories by tampering with probability or violently wresting events from their proper sequence. Life is neither comedy nor tragedy it is tragi-comedy, or, if you prefer the graver emphasis, comi-tragedy.

They were walking round the garden after dinner; Scoutbush was licking his foolish lips over some commonplace tale of scandal. "I tell you, my dear fellow, she's booked; and Mellot knows it as well as I. He saw her that night at Lady A's." "We saw the third act of the comi-tragedy. The fourth is playing out now. We shall see the fifth before the winter." "Non sine sanguine!" said the Major.

No Northerner could have come so close to the heart of a Kentucky feud, and revealed it so perfectly, with the whimsicality playing through its carnage, or could have so brought us into the presence of the sardonic comi-tragedy of the squalid little river town where the store-keeping magnate shoots down his drunken tormentor in the arms of the drunkard's daughter, and then cows with bitter mockery the mob that comes to lynch him."