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"Yes: you see, the Tennessee side of the mountain is powerful steep and laurely, so 't man nor dog cain't git over it in lots o' places; that's whar the bears den. But the mast, sich as acorns and beech and hickory nuts, is mostly on the Car'lina side; that's whar they hafter come to feed. So, when it blows like this, they stay at home and suck their paws till the weather clars."

I don't profess fur tu know much about scriptur, but a nice leetle gal pinted that air varse out to me, and she pinted out another which said, 'No drunkard ken enter the kingdom of heaven. Howsoever, I ain't no preacher, and like enough tham air black coats hev got up some big idee that clars up the hull subject. My religion is tu do the best we kin, and we needn't be shaky about the futur.

I'se pretty reg'lar at church, an' sets by de do', an' allus gives a nickel for myself an' one for Miss Dory dead an' for Miss Dory livin', an' I makes Mandy Ann 'tend all I can, though she'd rather go whar she says it's livelier. She is mighty good to me, comes ebery week an' clars up an' scoles me for gittin' so dirty. She's great on a scrub, Mandy Ann is. Muss you go?

The half-robber discipline, voluntary at the best, had vanished under the levelling-rod of a common suffering, and I trembled to think "`It clars a leetle, out tharawa! "It was the voice of the trapper, Garey, who had risen and stood pointing toward the East. "In an instant we were all upon our feet, looking in the direction, indicated.