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The insane baby bites, kicks, and these symptoms are the external measure of the degree of its madness. Has not chorea itself been called a muscular insanity? To hold that the creative imagination belonging to animals consists of new combinations of movements is certainly an hypothesis.

A large number of children, in convalescence from infective disorders, when the nutrition of the body has fallen to a low ebb, show as evidence of cerebral exhaustion a group of symptoms which in a sense are the reverse of those which characterise cerebral irritation and chorea. The healthy child is a creature of free movement.

Sometimes they produce an insufficient performance of it; and this, by closing an avenue of elimination, poisons the blood, and depraves the organization. The host of ills thus induced are known to physicians and to the sufferers as amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, hysteria, anemia, chorea, and the like.

He failed with another dog; but M. Prevost, of Geneva, relieved two mares from rheumatism, and an entire horse that had been lame sixteen months. In the Veterinary School at Lyons acupuncturation was tried on two dogs. One had chorea, and the other chronic paralysis of the muscles of the neck. The operation had no effect on the first; the other came out of the hospital completely cured.

"In twenty cases various neurosal disorders had been prominent in the family and its branches, of which neuralgia, chorea, hysteria, eccentricity, mania, epilepsy and inebriety, were most common. "In some cases, a wonderful periodicity in the outbreak of these disorders was manifested.

The 'Black Sesquisulphuret of Antimony' is a compound of sulphur and antimony, and an excellent alterative. In my opinion it supersedes the use of every other caustic, and generally of the knife. I have also given it internally as a tonic to the dog, in cases of chorea, in doses from an eighth to a quarter of a grain.

The tic movement is the symbol of the psychic defect or degeneration or instability. The earlier investigators were responsible for the differentiation of the tics from such other conditions as Sydenham's chorea, Huntington's chorea, the spasms, the stereotypies, the habit movements, the myoclonias, and other allied conditions.

Another agency scarcely less efficient is that of neuropathies, to use the medical term, meaning the various forms of disorder which have their origin in the brain, and comprising not only epilepsy, hysteria, chorea, and other convulsive affections, but that habit of body and mind which makes a person nervous.

But still at this stage prolonged work requiring great accuracy is irksome and brings dangers homologous to those caused by too much fine work in the kindergarten before the first adjustment of large to small muscles, which lasts until adolescence, is established. Then disproportion between function and growth often causes symptoms of chorea.

ATAXIC. Pertaining to inability to cooerdinate voluntary movements; irregular. CALAMO-PAPYRUS. Reed papyrus or pen-paper. CATABOLISM. See METABOLISM. CATHARSIS. Purgation or cleansing. Aristotle's esthetic theory that little renders immune for much. CEREBRATION. Brain action, conscious or unconscious. CHOREA. St.