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The letters were now nearly worn away by the weather and the brine. But close by, in quite fresh letters, stood 'ANN AVICE, coupled with the name 'ISAAC. They could not have been there more than two or three years, and the 'Ann Avice' was probably Avice the Second. Who was Isaac? Some boy admirer of her child-time doubtless. He retraced his steps, and passed the Caros' house towards his own.

But there was no doubt about it; it was Nan in the flesh, a little fuller in the figure, something less childish in the face, but with all the fascinating, wild-creature beauty of the child-time promise to dazzle the eye and breed riot in the brain of the boy-man.

"Can't we make out to walk, pappy?" he asked, dropping unconsciously into the child-time phrase. "Oh, yes; I reckon we could. You're not too young, and I'm not so terr'ble old. But get in, Buddy, get in; there'll be trampin' enough for ye, all summer long." The limestone pike was the same, and the creek was still rushing noisily over the stones in its bed, as Tom remarked gratefully.

But with a high grade of intelligence become universal the world was bound to outgrow the ceremonial side of religion, which with its forms and symbols, its holy times and places, its sacrifices, feasts, fasts, and new moons, meant so much in the child-time of the race.

The very word is a volume of heart language not the fitful expression of passion, but that quiet eloquence which bedews the eye and brings deep sighs with holy recollections of the child-time, and germinating hopes of future happiness up to the period when he would hang over her departing spirit.