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"You can go anywhere on Maxwell Street and ask anybody you meet do they know Pitzela and they will say: 'Do we know Pitzela? We know Pitzela all right. So what is there to be gained by calling him Chaim Yankel?" "Nothing, Feodor. It was a mistake even to think of it." "It was. Well, as I was telling you before you began this interruption about names, he is exactly 110 years old.

Chaim Weizman to make his home in England with the express purpose of seeking English sympathy for the Zionist ideal. The successor of Joseph Chamberlain was Arthur James Balfour. When Herzl opened Chamberlain's door, Zionism had an easier access to the England of Balfour. When Herzl first appeared on the political scene, he thought of courtiers and statesmen, of princes and kings.

"And, like R. Chaim Vital, you come to pronounce Nidui! and banish my diabolical guests. If cauterization cures moral ulcers as effectually as those that afflict the flesh, then, verily, you intend I shall be clean and whole. You are losing patience with your graceless neophyte." "Yes, Salome; because forced to lose faith in her inclination and capacity to sublimate her erring nature.

If I tell you his name is Yankel or Berella or Chaim Duvit do you know any more than if I tell you his name is Pitzela?" "No. We will drop the matter. I will call him Chaim Yankel." "You will call him Chaim Yankel! And what for? His name is Pitzela and not Chaim Yankel." "Thanks."

Colonization in Cyprus was the hobby of Davis Trietsch, who created many scenes on the floor of the Congress. Dr. Chaim Weizmann was not only a leader of the Democratic faction, crossing swords time and again with Herzl, but devoted much time and thought to the idea of a Hebrew University.