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And we all realize that our responsibility to be the catalyst for peace in the region does not end with the successful conclusion of this war. Democracy brings the undeniable value of thoughtful dissent, and we have heard some dissenting voices here at home, some reckless, most responsible.

We don't need to go to the Lhari Galaxy to find the mineral that generates the warp-frequencies, that they call 'Catalyst A' and that the Mentorians call the 'Eighth Color. There is a green star called Meristem, and a spectroscopic analysis of that star, I'm sure, will reveal what unknown elements it contains, and perhaps locate other stars with that element.

One more day passed, and more tracers had been set up on Onzar III, across the sun from the capitol planet. At the same time, Candar pushed work on the second-stage drive with all possible speed. As Thane had guessed, the use of gold in the catalyst principle gave Candar pause, but only momentarily.

It had been a similar acknowledgement three years ago that had been the catalyst of his self declared quasi-retirement. They were wasted years if measured in action and accomplishment but constructive in terms of disassembling pretensions and so it did not matter. Now he was able to repudiate the grandeur of self unflinchingly.

I thank the vice president for his leadership, and the Congress for its support, in building a government that is leaner, more flexible, a catalyst for new ideas, and most of all, a government that gives the American people the tools they need to make the most of their own lives.

Bart saw the slow, inexorable deepening of his badge he had to get away. He tensed, impatient; gripped by fists of panic. Somewhere on this world, Montano and his men were setting up their lethal radiations.... Think of this: a Lhari ship of our own to study, to know how it works, to see the catalyst and find out where it comes from, to read their records and star routes.

When Sabatier had shown the importance of combinations of hydrogen effected by what is known as a catalyst, numerous patents were taken out by other people, of course on which were founded very flourishing businesses. Sabatier profited by none of these so I understand. He received a Nobel prize for his discoveries; but another hath his heritage.

But the time is right to move forward on a conventional arms control agreement to move us to more appropriate levels of military forces in Europe, a coherent defense program that insures the U.S. will continue to be a catalyst for peaceful change in Europe. And I've consulted with leaders of NATO. In fact I spoke by phone with President Gorbachev just today.

We reinvented government, transforming it into a catalyst for new ideas that stress both opportunity and responsibility, and give our people the tools to solve their own problems. With the smallest federal workforce in 40 years, we turned record deficits into record surpluses, and doubled our investment in education.

"You know we can build ships as good as the Lhari ships, but we don't know anything about the rare catalyst they use for warp-drive fuel. Captain Steele had hopes of being able to discover where they got it." "But couldn't they find out where the Lhari ships go for fueling?" "No. There's no way to trail a Lhari ship," he reminded Bart.