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For these things Monseigneur de Beauvais was very indignant against the said Maitre Lohier, saying: 'Here is Lohier who is going to make a fine fuss about our trial; he calumniates us all, and tells the world it is of no good. By St. John, we shall do nothing of the kind; we shall go on with our trial as we have begun it."

He divulges the secrets of his private life, of his closet, and of his bed; he defames or calumniates his ministers, his court, and his wife; he purposely stabs him in the most sensitive part.

"We do not deny that this money was taken out of the temple. It was the money of a private person, and not set apart for any religious use. But the plaintiff calumniates us by an action for sacrilege. It is, therefore, your business, gentlemen, to decide whether it can properly be specified as sacrilege."

The continual massacres of the Greek and Roman kings and chiefs, and the extermination of nations by them the all-devastating warfare of the Timurs and Gengis Khans are in general not more to be met with; only my own dear fatherland was doomed to experience once more the cruelties of the Timurs and Gengis Khans out of the sacrilegious hands of the dynasty of Austria, which calumniates Christianity by calling itself Christian.

Besides, they become more and more difficult to employ in any efficacious fashion in the presence of those means possessed by the bourgeoisie, with its orators, trained at the bar and knowing how to wheedle the popular assemblies, and with its venal press which calumniates and disguises everything."

"'Monseigneur calumniates him," said Gourville, laughing, "if he is come, it is not with a bad intention." "What, do you excuse him?" cried Fouquet; "a fellow without a heart, without ideas; a devourer of wealth." "He knows you are rich." "And would ruin me." "No, but he would like to have your purse. That is all." "Enough! enough! A hundred thousand crowns per month, during two years.

"Monseigneur calumniates him," said Gourville, laughing; "if he is come, it is not with a bad intention." "What, do you excuse him?" cried Fouquet; "a fellow without a heart, without ideas; a devourer of wealth." "He knows you are rich." "And would ruin me." "No, but he would have your purse. That is all." "Enough! enough! A hundred thousand crowns per month, during two years.

It asserts, and proves, that the order of civilization is artificial, contradictory, inadequate; that it engenders oppression, misery, and crime; it denounces, not to say calumniates, the whole past of social life, and pushes on with all its might to a reformation of morals and institutions.

Menace and abuse myself as much as you wish, but I tell you, that while I have life and the power of speech, I will fling back, even into a father's face, the falsehoods the gross and unmanly falsehoods with which he insults her tomb, and calumniates her memory and her virtues.

A woman makes herself old and unpleasing to her husband; but dainty and elegant and adorned for others, for the rival of all husbands, for that world which calumniates and tears to shreds her sex.