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At the post-office, the tin-shop and the rum-shop the Deacon's conversion is constantly discussed, and men of all degrees now express a belief in the mighty power of the Spirit from on high. Other moneyed men have been smitten and changed, and the pastor of the Pawkin Centre Church daily thanks the Lord for such a revival as he never heard of before. Good? He was the model boy of Bungfield.

And as he gained years, and building lots, and horses, and commenced discounting notes, his respectability grew and waxed great in the minds of the practical people of Bungfield.

So thought some of the ladies of Bungfield, and as young ladies who can endure the idea of such a man for perpetual partner can also signify their opinions, Joe began to comprehend that he was in active demand. He regarded the matter as he would a sudden demand for any commodity of trade, and by skillfully manipulating the market he was soon enabled to choose from a full supply.

The proprietor of the stage line between Bungfield and Cleopas Valley traded horses with Joe, and was afterward heard mentioning his new property in language far more scriptural than proper. Still, Joe was a church-member, and that was a patent of respectability.

"Joseph," said the Squire, after reading the paper several times, to assure himself that his eyes did not deceive him, "it beats the widow's mites; she gave the Lord all she had, but you've given Him more than you ever had in all your life until to-day." Joe handed Sam the paper, and it was to the teamster the strongest evidence of Christianity he had ever seen in Bungfield.

Joe thought enviously of Colonel Bung, President of the Bungfield Railroad Co. the Colonel didn't believe in anything; so he saved all his money, and Joe wished he had some of the Colonel's courage. Joe's meditations were interrupted by the entrance of Sam Ottrey, a poor fellow who owed Joe some money.