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Still, the tale was romantic and pathetic enough to make the earl and his young heir objects of marked interest, and welcome guests in the friendly hospitalities of the place, which hospitalities were gladly requited, for Lord Cairnforth still keenly enjoyed society, and Cardross was at an age when all pleasure is attractive. People said sometimes, What a lucky fellow was Mr. Bruce-Montgomerie!

Such a procession had not been witnessed for centuries in all this country-side. Ere they left the Castle the funeral prayer was offered up by Mr. Cardross, the last time the good old minister's voice was ever heard publicly in his own parish, and at the head of the coffin walked, as chief mourner, Cardross Bruce-Montgomerie, the earl's adopted son.

Perhaps, if I live to see him of age, I may think about making him take my name, as Bruce-Montgomerie. But meanwhile I shall educate him, send him to school and college, and at home he shall be put under Malcolm's care, and have ponies to ride and boats to row.

Cardross's grandson, and worthy of them both also because, for his own sake, I respect him, and I love him. I give you the health of Alexander Cardross Bruce-Montgomerie." And then they all wished the young man joy, and the dining-hall of Cairnforth Castle rang with hearty cheers for Mr. Bruce-Montgomerie.

Many a change came and went over the widow's face widowed long enough for time to have softened down all things, and made her remember only the young days the days of a girl's first love. It might have been so, for she said at last, almost with a gasp, "I wish my son to be Bruce-Montgomerie." "Be it so." After that Lord Cairnforth was long silent.