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Her first long forward stride toward changing these dreams from the vague to the definite was when Rod, before her on the horse on the way to Brooksburg, talked over his shoulder to her of the stage and made her feel that it was the life for her, the only life open to her where a woman could hope to be judged as human being instead of as mere instrument of sex.

He left the horse with her and walked upstream in the direction of Brooksburg. As he had warned her that he might be gone a long time, he knew she would not be alarmed for him and she had already proved that timidity about herself was not in her nature. But he was alarmed for her this girl alone in that lonely darkness with light enough to make her visible to any prowler.

She was gazing at the Indiana shore, at a tiny village snuggled among trees and ripened fields close to the water's edge. She knew it was Brooksburg. She remembered the long covered bridge which they had crossed Spenser and she, on the horse.

"'As the inclosed documents show," he read, "'we have learned and have legally verified that Jeb not James Ferguson divorced his wife Susan Lenox about a year after their marriage, on the ground of desertion; and two years later he fell through the floor of an old bridge near Brooksburg and was killed."

My father's Clayton Spenser, down at Brooksburg" he pointed to the southeast "beyond that hill there, on the river. I'm here on my vacation." And he halted, looking at her expectantly. It seemed to her that there was in courtesy no escape without a return biographical sketch. She hung her head, twisted her tapering fingers in her lap, and looked childishly embarrassed and unhappy.

He glanced round. "It is pretty good. You're not visiting down Brooksburg way, by any chance?" "No," replied Susan, rather composedly and determined to change the subject. "What was that song I heard you singing?" "Oh you heard, did you?" laughed he. "It's the Duke's song from 'Rigoletto." "That's an opera, isn't it like 'Trovatore'?" "Yes an Italian opera. Same author." "It's a beautiful song."