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On the east side of Kearny street, opposite the Plaza, was the "El Dorado," a famous gambling saloon, adjoining which was the Parker House, afterwards the Jenny Lind Theatre, while on the north side of Washington street stood the Bella Union Theatre, and on the west on Brenham Place was the old Monumental Fire Engine House whose fire bell played so prominent a part in the days of the Vigilantes.

Guards were stationed at the passageways through it as well as at the stairs and Committee by the members of the Monumental Fire Engine Company No. 6, stationed on the west side of Brenham Place, opposite the "Plaza." Our small field pieces and arms were kept on the ground floor, and the cells, executive chamber and other departments were on the second floor. May 19th found Mr.

He'll be executed on the Plaza in an hour." Mayor Brenham pushed his way forward. "Did I understand you rightly, Mr. King?" he questioned. "This committee means to lynch a man to murder him?" King turned upon him fiery-eyed. "I might accuse you of a hundred murders, sir, with much more justice. Where are your police when our citizens are slain?

"It might have been some sweetheart going over to visit the east side and taking a short cut across the parade. It wasn't a man." "Oh! That's it, of course," chimed in Mrs. Brenham at once. "The Johnsons have a girl Winnie they call her who is perpetually gadding about, and I warrant it was she. Come! Let us see the scrap-book."

In Turner's Remarkable Providences, folio, 1697, pages 28, is a very singular allusion to one of these coins: 'Christian, the wife of R. Green, of Brenham, Somersetshire, in 1663, made a covenant with the devil. He pricked the fourth finger off her right hand, between the middle and upper joint, and took two drops of her blood on his finger, giving her four-pence half-penny.

What are your courts but strongholds of political iniquity?" He raised his arm and with a dramatic gesture, pointed toward the city hall. "Go, Mayor Brenham, rouse your jackals of pretended law.... The people have risen. At the Plaza in an hour you shall see what Justice means." Several voices cheered. Brenham, overwhelmed, inarticulate before this outburst, turned and strode away.