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"He was turned loose on the door to take up your attention, while we did the tie-behind trick." A rope ladder having been lowered, Commander Ennerling, by nimble use of the tow-line, had succeeded in reaching it, and he now came over the rail, chuckling. "It's on the 'Massapequa, I admit," grinned Braylesford. "On me, I'm afraid," pronounced the watch lieutenant, with a half-groan.

"Then, Ennerling, I'm sorry I can't have the pleasure of putting you in irons," nodded Lieutenant Commander Braylesford, dryly. "Let down a rope ladder, and I'll come aboard for a moment, Braylesford." The watch lieutenant, who had hurried aft at this juncture, stood waiting respectfully for a word with his superior. "What have you to report, Lieutenant?" demanded Braylesford.

"Is that you, Braylesford?" "Aye, Ennerling, and a shabby old trick you've played on us!" Commander Ennerling's hearty laughter came up from below. "Captain John Benson, the young man who came over your stern rail, is the genius who planned the joke," called up Ennerling. "But with your approval, eh?" "Of course, Braylesford."

"He ought to be in the Navy," retorted Braylesford, then turned, with a smile, to offer his hand to the submarine boy. "Oh, he will be, surely enough, if war-times ever come upon us again," replied the commander. Word was now sent to conduct Eph aft. "Get aboard your own craft and dress; then come on board and join us in the ward-room," invited Braylesford.