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But not only has the bourgoisie forged the weapons that bring death to itself; it has also called into existence the men who are to wield those weapons the modern working class the proletarians.

It would be a most unhappy fate for her, because if there WERE a Marquise Fontenelle, my principles would oblige me to detest her!" "You would detest your own wife!" said Angela surprised. "Naturally! It is the fashion. To love one's wife would be petite bourgoisie nothing more absurd!

Manet's revolt against tradition began before he became an artist, as was in fact necessary, or he would never have been allowed to become one. The traditions of the Bourgoisie were sacred, and their power and importance since the revolution of 1848 not to be lightly set aside. But young Manet was so determined that he was at last allowed by his bourgeois parents to have his way, and was sent to study under that very rough diamond Couture. Now again his "revolting" qualities showed themselves, this time in the life class. Théodore Duret, his friend and biographer, puts it so amusingly that a quotation, untranslated, is imperative: "Cette repulsion qui se développe chez Manet pour l'art de la tradition," he says, "se manifeste surtout par le mépris qu'il témoigne aux modèles posant dans l'atelier et

Three or four Bellegardes, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, took wives out of the bourgoisie married lawyers' daughters." "A lawyer's daughter; that's very bad, is it?" asked Newman. "Horrible! one of us, in the middle ages, did better: he married a beggar-maid, like King Cophetua.