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"Tell the lieutenant that he kin look for us at Hermosilla, on the other side of the Mexican bound'ry. Good-bye." Henry hurried away towards La Paz, with Vic close at his heels. There was no occasion for haste, for he felt that nothing in the town could overtake the lost Sancho and Chiquita; still he hurried and stumbled on in the darkness.

He puts me at my ease by at once addressing me: "These are high old times, ain't they? I say, what do you reckon's become o' them thar bound'ry moniments you stuck? Ah!" The pause which succeeds this outburst is the effect of a spasm of admiration at a pair of high boots, which, by great exertion, he has at last pulled on his feet. "So you've picked up the ole man in the shanty, clean crazy?

He puts me at ease by at once addressing me: "These are high old times, ain't they? I say, what do you reckon's become o' them thar bound'ry moniments you stuck? Ah!" The pause which succeeds this outburst is the effect of a spasm of admiration at a pair of high boots, which, by great exertion, he has at last pulled on his feet. "So you've picked up the ole man in the shanty, clean crazy?

Low on the utmost bound'ry of the sight The rising vapours catch the silver light; Thence fancy measures as they parting fly Which first will throw its shadow on the eye, Passing the source of light; and thence away Succeeded quick by brighter still than they. This is almost the only passage in the poem in which something of the vastness of visible nature is conveyed.