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And when none would trust thee farther, give Judgments for twice the Money thou borrowest, and swear thy self at Age; and lastly to patch up your broken Fortune, you wou'd fain marry my sweet Mistress Celinda here But, Faith, Sir, you're mistaken, her Fortune shall not go to the Maintenance of your Misses; which being once sure of, she, poor Soul, is sent down to the Country-house, to learn Housewifery, and live without Mankind, unless she can serve her self with the handsom Steward, or so whilst you tear it away in Town, and live like Man and Wife with your Jilt, and are every Day seen in the Glass Coach, whilst your own natural Lady is hardly worth the Hire of a Hack.

But he had just had time to inquire where she had recalled them to mind from, when they turned their mind to the succeeding lines: Three points of whiteness from the pear petals thou steal'st; And from the plum bloom its spirit thou borrowest. "It is a positive fact," they said, "that her imagination is, compared with that of others, quite unique."

There was need of arms, and how could soldiers use Government rifles upon mere cultivators in the fields? the Regimental Chaplain replied. 'Moreover, the revolver was sent back, together with a money-order for the cartridges expended. "Borrow not; but if thou borrowest, pay back soon!" That is written in the Hymns.