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Now, before my Maker and the Presences who surround us, I marry you, Morris Monk. Not in the flesh with your flesh I have nothing to do but in the spirit. I take your soul to mine, I give my soul to yours; yours it was from its birth's day, yours it is, and when it ceases to be yours, let it perish everlastingly." "So be it to both of us, for ever and for ever," he answered.

But they are still immortal Who, through birth's orient portal, And death's dark chasm hurrying to and fro, Clothe their unceasing flight In the brief dust and light Gathered around their chariots as they go; New shapes they still may weave, New gods, new laws receive; Bright or dim are they, as the robes they last On Death's bare ribs had cast.

My friend Gervais's quarrel might be just; his manner of procedure, even, might be just, and yet I have no right to take part in it. And yet Monsieur had signified plainly enough that he was no longer my patron. For my birth's sake I might never work against him, but I was free to do whatever else I chose.

Born in humble circumstances, he "burst his birth's invidious bar," and elevated himself to the proud position of the first magistrate of that city "whose merchants are princes and whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth." During his three years tenure of the civic chair, Mr.

Julius Jackson has only scratched a little off the top of it, but HE is going to dig deeper. "Why is it that the Afro-American brother buys Anti-Curl?" he asts. "Why?" I asts. "Because," he says, "he wants to be as much like a white man as he possibly can. He strives to burst his birth's invidious bar, Danny.