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Der Donner rollet uns entgegen; Der Regen saeuselt, jedes Wesen strebt In's Dasein; und bestimmt, des Schoepfers Werk zu kroenen Sehn wir das erste Paar, gefuehrt von Deinen Toenen. Oh, jedes Hochgefuehl, das in dem Herzen schlief, Ist wach! Wer rufet nicht: wie schoen ist diese Erde? Und schoener, nun ihr Herr anch dich in's Dasein rief, Auf dass sein Werk vollendet werde!"

Or is the song to be right after all: "Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath, dass von dem liebsten was man hat, muss scheiden?" Farewell; tomorrow I shall write about other things. A thousand greetings! Your Yet another friend, dearest Franz, has a kind fate vouchsafed to me. I was permitted to feel the delight of becoming acquainted with such a poet as Calderon in my mature stage of life.

Supposing you played the Schubert Impromptu She found herself playing it. He didn't come. He wasn't coming. He was going into Reyburn with Dan. And on Monday he would be gone. This time he would really go. When you left off playing you could still hear him singing in your head. "Das man vom liebsten was man hat." "Es ist bestimmt " But if you felt like that about it, then

Saturday evening. Sunday evening. He sang, "'Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath Das man vom liebsten was man hat Muss scheiden." Dan called out from his corner, "Translate. Let's know what it's all about." He pounded out the accompaniment louder. "We won't, will we?" He jumped up suddenly. "Play the Appassionata." She played and he talked. "I can't play if you talk." "Yes, you can.

He was away all night. Next day, at dinner-time, they appeared again together. Mr. Vickers had brought Dan back. He was going to stay for another week. At the Buck Hotel. "Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath." He had no business to sing it, to sing it like that, so that you couldn't get the thing out of your head. That wouldn't have mattered if you could have got his voice out of your heart.