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Besides, he had been represented in some official pamphlets as a traitor to France, and among certain worshippers of our injured glory there prevailed a feeling of irritation, and which was unjustly directed towards Bernadotte. I even remember that Napoleon, before he had fallen from his power, had a sort of national protest made by the police against the Prince Royal of Sweden.

The marriage plan is clearly stated. Joseph had wedded one of the daughters of a comparatively wealthy merchant. He was requested to sound his brother-in-law concerning the other, the famous Désirée Clary, who afterward became Mme. Bernadotte.

While Bernadotte was preparing to fill the high station to which he had been called by the wishes of the people of Sweden, Napoleon was involved in his misunderstanding with the Pope, One or two of the good sayings of the witty, accomplished, and chivalrous Comte Louis de Narbonne have already been given in the course of these volumes.

As soon as he had heard the first confessions of General Simon and before the situation was fully under control, M. Mounier had sent a despatch rider to the government, and the First Consul now considered whether he should have Bernadotte and Moreau arrested.

That was the true reason for choosing him. Bernadotte was subsequently despatched on the same errand. Bonaparte's pretence for sending him was, that he wished to transmit to the Directory four flags, which, out of the twenty-one taken at the battle of Rivoli, had been left, by mistake, at Peschiera. Bernadotte, however, did not take any great part in the affair. He was always prudent.

Arrighi. Duc de Padua. *Augereau. Duc de Castiglione. *Bernadotte. Prince de Ponte Corvo. *Berthier. Chief of the Staff. Prince de Neufchâtel. Prince de Wagram. *Bessières. Duc d'Istria. Commander of the Old Guard. Bonaparte, Joseph. " Louis. King of Holland. " Jerome. King of Westphalia. *Brune. Cambacérès. Arch-Chancellor. Duc de Parma. Caulaincourt. Duc de Vicenza. Master of the Horse.

In that case I shall be obliged by your getting it inserted in the Hamburg journals," I did so. The injustice of the Emperor, and the bad way in which he spoke of Bernadotte, obliged the latter, for the sake of his own credit, to make the truth known to the world. I have already mentioned that I received an order from the Emperor to supply 50,000 cloaks for the army.

This is the way to make yourself popular in Sweden. If, on the contrary, you follow the Continental system, you will be obliged to adopt laws against smuggling, which will draw upon you the detestation of the people." Such was the advice which I gave to Bernadotte when he was about to commence his new and brilliant career.

The meanest soldier in our ranks, therefore, expected to hear of the combined march of the Grand Vizir towards Kief, and of Bernadotte against Finland. Eight sovereigns were already enlisted under the banners of Napoleon; but the two who had the greatest interest in the quarrel were still deaf to his call.

The combined forces of Bernadotte and Davout did not amount to more than forty-four thousand men, while the King of Prussia had eighty thousand at Auerstadt. From daybreak on the 14th, the two French marshals realised that they had to face much superior numbers; it was their duty then to act in unison.