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"They 're 'bout the prettiest eggs ever was," continued the tempter, "all blue and pink and green, and 'bout a million kinds. They're just perzactly like rabbit's eggs." "Me an' Wilkes Booth Lincoln ain't never hear teller no rabbit's eggs sence we's born," said Billy; "I don't berlieve rabbits lays eggs nohow." "They don' lay 'em 'cept to Easter," said Jimmy.

"Well, you see, Sam, me an' Miss Cecilia's engaged an' we's fixin' to marry jes''s soon's I puts on long pants, an' I 'shame' to ask her. An' I don't berlieve young 'omans patches the breeches of young mans what they's goin' to marry nohow. Do you? Aunt Minerva ain' never patched no breeches for the Major.

"It sho' is big," he said; "I berlieve it's big 'nough to go 'round both of us." "Le's see if 'tain't," was the other boy's ready suggestion. He stood behind Billy and they put the stays around both little bodies, while, with much squeezing and giggling, Billy hooked them safely up the front. The boys got in front of Sarah Jane's one looking-glass and danced about laughing with glee.

Billy put his right hand in his pocket but found no key there; he tried the other pocket with the same success; he felt in his blouse, he looked in his cap, he jumped up and down, he nearly shook himself to pieces all without avail; the key had disappeared as if by magic. "I berlieve y' all done los' that key," concluded he. "Maybe it dropped on the ground," said Frances.