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This heat is now generally applied through the medium of the air, which is raised to a high temperature by being passed over and in contact with the heated surfaces of stoves of various designs, or by direct radiation from hot metal or firebrick. Theoretically, the generally-adopted method of applying the heat to the bather might be greatly improved, but practically it has been found the best.

Then the youth put into his mouth the honey of the Burning Rose, and into his lips the Sweetener, and stripped himself as a bather to the pool. And the Plough, remembering its master's word, turned and set its face to where lay the garden with Melilot waiting to be relieved of her enchantment.

Our personal ambitions, the sharply defined aims of our working hours, the very limitations of our individuality, are gone; we lose ourselves in the larger life of which we are part. After the fret of the day we surrender ourselves to universal life as the bather, worn and spent, gives himself to the sea.

Where there is no second room the bather must use his bed room as a cooling and reposing room, as he must also in the cases where only a washing room and a hot room are provided. Plan of Mr.

Beyond his uncle's farm ran the far-famed Otter Creek, whose waters, in my boyhood, were forbidden me, as inevitably leading the incautious bather to "a life of misery and a premature death." There it was, however, that Stephen earned his earliest triumphs.

Each lady bather should have a private dressing and reposing room, even if only formed by dwarf wooden partitions. An arrangement may be designed whereby the bather enters first a room fitted with a number of dressing-boxes, and then passes through the frigidarium on his way to the hot rooms, whence he returns after his bath.

The basin must be so placed with respect to the slab that the shampooer may, without altering his position, take water from the basin with his handbowl, and pour it over the bather.

Salt-water bathing is refreshing and invigorating for those who are healthy, but the bather should come out of the water the moment there is the slightest feeling of chilliness. The practice of bathing in salt water more than once a day is unhealthful, and even dangerous. Only the strongest can sustain so severe a tax on their power of endurance.

It was a long look forward; the future summoned me as with trumpet calls, it warned me back as with a voice of weeping and beseeching; and I thrilled and trembled on the brink of life, like a childish bather on the beach.

While one should always keep clean, the frequency of the bath will depend upon the season, the occupation of the individual, and the nature and amount of the perspiration. As to the kind of bath to be taken and the precautions to be observed, no specific rules can be laid down. These must be determined by the facilities at hand and by the health and natural vigor of the bather.