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When Mickey once made up his mind to do a thing, he always went through with it. "It was 'count of the barbwire," Mickey explained in a low voice. "I didn't know you put it up, and I climbed the fence one night, to scare you through the window, and I thought you'd run out and chase me. And I tore my coat on the wire and scratched my face.

Anybody would have thought a barbwire worm had crawled onto Joe Kivelson's chair seat under him. "Where'd you hear that?" he demanded, which is the Galaxy's silliest question to ask any newsman. "Tom, if you've been talking " "He hasn't," I said. "He didn't need to. It sticks out a parsec in all directions."

A crowd of boys were watching her at a safe distance and when I came near enough I saw she had a roll of wire in the yard. She was nailing barbwire along the fence pickets!" "How mean!" scolded Sister. "No one wants to climb over her old fence, or swing on her gate." "Well, I think it is a shame the way the boys torment her," declared Louise severely.

Dill came in and saved Billy from fleeing the place before his hunger slept, and Billy felt justified in breathing easily and in looking elsewhere than at his plate. "I see you've been getting busy with the barbwire," he remarked, when he rose from the table and led the way out to the porch. "Why, no. I haven't done any fencing at all, William," Dill disclaimed. "Yuh haven't?