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As a denomination the Presbyterians are pushing onwards vigorously, though quietly, and their prospects are good. To the Free Gospel people we next come. They don't occupy very fashionable quarters; Ashmoor-street, a long way down Adelphi- street, is the thoroughfare wherein their spiritual refuge is situated.

We somewhat respect a man who can preach for years without pocketing a single dime, and contribute regularly towards a church which gives him no salary, and never intends doing. The homilies of the preacher at Ashmoor-street Chapel may neither be luminous nor eloquent, neither pythonic in utterance nor refined in diction, but they are at least worth as much as he gets for them.

James Toulmin to build a chapel for them in Ashmoor-street; they having worshipped up to that time, first at a place on Snow-Hill and then in Gorst-street. He did not give them the chapel; never said that he would; couldn't afford to be guilty of an act so curious; but he erected a place of worship for their pleasure, and they have paid him something in the shape of rent for it ever since.

If they were in a better locality, the probability is they would be denominationally stronger. In religion, as in everything else, "respectability" is the charm. We have heard many a laugh at the expense of these "Free Gospel" folk, but there is more in their creed, although it may have only Ashmoor-street for its blossoming ground, than the multitude of people think of.