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Along the line of the South Downs to be against Dewhurst was to be in with Putnam's, and the telegraph line between Arunvale and Cuckmere could tell many interesting secrets of the relations between Mat Woodburn and the station-clerk.

For the Saturday before the trial gallop had brought Mat Woodburn a letter from Miller, the station-clerk at Arunvale, which was the station for Dewhurst. The station-clerk had a feud of many years' standing with Jaggers, and had moreover substantial reasons of his own for not wishing Mocassin to win at Aintree.

No blanky hanky-panky this time that's their motter." The young man went alone. At Arunvale the station-master beckoned him into the office. "It's right, sir," he said keenly. "Chukkers and Ikey come down this morning. Two-thirty's the time accordin' to my information. I've got a trap waitin' for you outside. Ginger Harris'll drive you. He was a lad at Putnam's one time o' day.

"A nice feller like that." Albert watched him with folded arms. "I would, too," he said, "only it's Sunday, and Mar might hear." Cherry smirked. "Why ain't you at Bible Class then?" he asked grimly. The Bible Class at Putnam's was a standing joke along the South Downs from Arunvale to Beachy Head. Albert swaggered. "I'm not takin' it this morning," he said.

"Sorry," mumbled the young man, and fled with his tail between his legs. That afternoon a telegram came for Old Mat. He showed it to Silver. "That's from Miller, the station-master at Arunvale," he said. "They're goin' to gallop the mare. Would you like to step over and see what you can make of her?" The young man agreed willingly. "No good my comin'," said Mat.

The postmistress, unable to read the code-address, had asked for enlightenment. "Spavin," Joses said; and the secret was out. For all the world knew that Spavin was the code-address of the shady and successful trainer at Dewhurst on the Arunvale side of the Downs. "Who said Jaggers?" came a little voice at his elbow. The fat man turned to find the jockey close behind him.