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If I should never be able to show this to you, as from my whole heart I desire, I ask you fervently to attribute it, not to the wish of my inmost soul, but to the position which I, as an artist with a passionate heart, must, according to my firm conviction, take towards the state of deep depravity of our public art-life. With the highest esteem and veneration, I remain yours obediently,

But evidently the girl was not interested by his praise of the art-life of European capitals or their historical associations; she cut short his disquisition: "See here! When I first seed you an' knew you was raised in Boston, an' had lived in New York, I jest thought you no account for comin' to this jumpin'-off place.

Our talk was long and various, and the subject-matter of it did not tend to dispel the illusion that we were by means of some strange magic-lantern taking a peep into a resuscitated bit of the old cinquecento art-life, so full were the mind and heart of the artist of the special art-glories of his native city.

Yet the opera did not see the light until Nourrit's successor, Duprez, had vanished from the stage, and his successor again, Roger, who, though a brilliant singer, was far inferior to the other two in creative intellectuality, appeared on the scene. This artist may be also included as belonging largely to the sphere of Pauline Viardot's art-life.

Presently she said that they were to be at their villa in France during the late summer, and if he chanced to be abroad would he come? He said that he intended to visit his uncle in Paris, but that afterwards he would be glad to visit them for a short time. She looked astonished. "With your uncle Ian!" "Yes. He is to show me art-life, and all that." She looked troubled.

Antique Art, beside affording a standard by which the modern may be measured, has the remarkable property-giving it a higher value of testing the genuineness of the Art-impulse. Even to genius, that is, to the artist, a true Art-life is difficult of attainment.