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Determined at the New York Botanical Gardens: Ledum groonlandicum, Oeder. Comarum palustre L. Rubus arcticus L. Solidago multiradiata. Ait. Sanguisorba Canadensis L. Linnaea Americana, Forbes. Viburnum pancifloram, Pylaim. Ledum prostratum, Rotlb. Betula glandulosa, Michx. Kalmia angustifolia. Barbarea stricta, Audry. Eriophorum russeolum, Fries. My sincere thanks are due Prof. J.F. Kemp and Dr.

I allude more particularly to the Capelin or Salmo arcticus which we found in large shoals in Bathurst's Inlet and which not only abounds, as Augustus told us, in the bays in his country, but swarms in the Greenland firths.* The portion of the sea over which we passed is navigable for vessels of any size; the ice we met, particularly after quitting Detention Harbour, would not have arrested a strong boat.

The summer birds had by this time entirely deserted us, leaving for our winter companions the raven, cinereous crow, ptarmigan, and snow-bird. The last of the waterfowl that quitted us was a species of diver of the same size with the Colymbus arcticus but differing from it in the arrangement of the white spots on its plumage, and in having a yellowish-white bill.

Quod vtique non est ita, quod existentibus in Iudaea eleuatur multum polus arcticus.

RUBUS ARCTICUS. Arctic Regions of both hemispheres. An interesting species about 6 inches high, with trifoliolate leaves, and deep-red flowers. For Alpine gardening it is a valuable species of dwarf growth. R. AUSTRALIS, from New Zealand, is a very prickly species, with the leaves reduced to their stalks and the midribs of three leaflets. Not being very hardy it is usually seen as a wall plant.

The young shoots in the spring are eaten boiled with fat meat, and are esteemed both wholesome and nutritive. SHRUBBY STRAWBERRY. Rubus arcticus. The fruit of this plant is very similar in appearance to a strawberry: its odour is of the most grateful kind; and its flavour has that delicate mixture of acid and sweet, which is not to be equalled by our best varieties of that fruit.

Malm adds, in confirmation of the above view, that the adult Trachypterus arcticus, which is not a member of the Pleuronectidae, rests on its left side at the bottom, and swims diagonally through the water; and in this fish, the two sides of the head are said to be somewhat dissimilar. Our great authority on Fishes, Dr.

154. BLACK-THROATED DIVER. Colymbus arcticus, Linnaeus. French, "Plongeon