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The new administration of Anchuria entered upon its duties and privileges with enthusiasm. Its first act was to send an agent to Coralio with imperative orders to recover, if possible, the sum of money ravished from the treasury by the ill-fated Miraflores. Colonel Emilio Falcon, the private secretary of Losada, the new president, was despatched from the capital upon this important mission.

I don't think that Falcon suspects me. He is making a close investigation, according to his orders, but he will find out nothing." Thus they spake together. Had anyone overheard or overseen them as they discussed the lost funds of Anchuria there would have been a second puzzle presented.

A few structures raised their heads above the red-tiled roofs of the one-story houses the bell tower of the Calaboza, the Hotel de los Estranjeros, the residence of the Vesuvius Fruit Company's agent, the store and residence of Bernard Brannigan, a ruined cathedral in which Columbus had once set foot, and, most imposing of all, the Casa Morena the summer "White House" of the President of Anchuria.

Why not a President Maloney, of Anchuria? Say the word, santita mia, and we'll make the race." "No, no, no, thou red-haired, reckless one!" sighed Pasa; "I am content" she laid her head against his arm "here." It has been indicated that disaffection followed the elevation of Losada to the presidency. This feeling continued to grow.

Like that Three-Star? A French schooner landed two slooploads of it a month ago. If any customs duties on it went to the distinguished republic of Anchuria you may have my hat. If you won't have another, come out and let's sit in the cool a while. It isn't often we exiles get a chance to talk with somebody from the outside world."

The new scheme that his mind had conceived, his stout heart indorsed, and his blue pencil corroborated, was laid around the characteristics and human frailties of the new president of Anchuria. These characteristics, and the situation out of which Keogh hoped to wrest a golden tribute, deserve chronicling contributive to the clear order of events.

A formidable, official document was prepared, encrusted with chromatic seals and jaunty with fluttering ribbons, bearing the florid signatures of state. This commission conferred upon el Senor Don Felipe Carrera the title of Flag Admiral of the Republic of Anchuria.