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"But look aheah, boy," added the colored man threateningly, "doan yo' be prowlin' roun' heah! Un'stan'?" "No fear. I'll be glad when I'm away," responded Jack, again secretly laughing, and headed for the woods, the negro watching him until he was half way across the clearing.

"Now, look aheah it's this way," went on Jud "you're gettin' along in age and you need res'. You've been wuckin' too hard. I tell you, Majah, sah, you're dead game no other man I know of would have stood up under the burdens you've had on yo' shoulders." The Major drew himself up: "That's a family trait of the Conways, suh." "Wal, it's time for you to res' awhile.

"What what?" said Uncle Davy between his sobs "I ain't a dyin', Hillard? Oh, yes, I be. Sally and Tilly both say so." "Now, look aheah, Davy, it ain't so. I've seed hundreds die yes, hundreds strong men, babes women and little tots, strong ones, and weak and frail ones, given to tears, but I've never seed one die yet sheddin' a single tear, let alone blubberin' like a calf. It's agin nature.

You've come jus' in time to see your old friend breathe his las' an' to witness his will," and he broke out sobbing afresh, in which Aunt Sally and Tilly and the dog, all of whom had followed the Bishop in, joined. The Bishop took in the situation at a glance. Then he broke into a smile that gradually settled all over his kindly face. "Look aheah, Davy, you ain't no mo' dyin' than I am."

"If you don't smell it to-night, you'll smell it befo' long. And now look aheah, Mister White Man, no use for you an' me to set here a-jawin' an' 'spu'tin'. I've come after my other gyrl an' you know I'm gwine have her!" "Oh, she'll be out 'torectly, Mrs. Zion! Jes' keep yo' robes on an' hol' yo' throne down a little while. She'll be out 'torectly."