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The two plainclothes policemen, whose recovery was instantaneous, scrambled to their feet and dashed after him, followed by Crawshay. Jocelyn Thew, scarcely accelerating his walk, strolled through the left-hand door, crossed the pavement of the Strand and vanished. Fortune was both kind and unkind to Richard in those next few breathless minutes.

It seemed, therefore, that the effect of such escape was only sufficient to counterbalance the effect of some accelerating power.

MacMaine went up the ramp with the captain scrambling up behind him. Tallis was just stepping into the commander's cabin as the two men entered the air lock. MacMaine didn't see him again until the ship was twelve minutes on her way nearly five billion miles from Earth and still accelerating. He identified himself at the door and Tallis opened it cautiously.

If the war has exposed us to increased spoliations on the ocean and to predatory incursions on the land, it has developed the national means of retaliating the former and of providing protection against the latter, demonstrating to all that every blow aimed at our maritime independence is an impulse accelerating the growth of our maritime power.

But try as he would, he could not find the contact. The rocket was accelerating rapidly now, and its flight pattern was changing slowly. Instead of dropping tail first, it was canting to one side. In less than a minute it would be entering the outer fringes of the atmosphere, in the region where friction against air molecules and atoms would start heating the rocket.

Luke's hospital in New York City. Thus we find that religion, not medicine, gave birth to hospitals. An accelerating influence in their growth came through the necessities of war, which threw large numbers of the injured and suffering upon communities quite unprepared to receive and minister to them.

This is done by individuals in this city, who get well paid for the deception. For the successful application of bromine as an accelerating agent, we are indebted to Mr. John Goddard of London, who at the time was associated with Mr. John Johnson, now a resident of this city. Preparation.

Let us hope that they will soon cease, and that liberty will soon resume her peaceful standards, to quit them no more. "The Emperor Napoleon contributed more than any one else towards accelerating the reign of liberty, by saving the moral influence of the revolution, and diminishing the fears which it imposed.

Westward emigration was in its full tide, and population was pouring into the great State of Illinois with ever accelerating rapidity.

In the meantime, the force of gravitation would be constantly diminishing, in proportion to the squares of the distances, and thus, with a velocity prodigiously accelerating, I should at length arrive in those distant regions where the force of the earth's attraction would be superseded by that of the moon.