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The boats passed and repassed between the Sea-horse and the prizes, and the frigate crossed a little more than a mile ahead. "Five-and-twenty guns a-side," the major said. "By Jove! she would have made short work of us."

Indeed!” the admiral said in a tone of gratification. “In that case she must be valuable; but let me hear all about it.” “I have stated it in my report, sir.” “But you always leave out a good deal in your report. Please give me a full account of it. First, how many guns did she carry?” “Six guns a-side, sir.” “Then you must have done wonders. Now tell me all about it.”

"That's no merchantman," said old Martin. "A French Navy ship a corvette about fifteen guns a-side maybe, and t'other's an English gun brig; making rare game of her she is too. Minds me of a dog and a bull." "Maybe the old man'll take a hand just for practice." And John Ozanne was quite willing. We were ordered to quarters, and ran in, with our colours up, prepared to take our share.

The Indiarubber Man took an orange off the sideboard, a dessert-spoon out of a drawer, and straddled over the back of a chair. "Like this, d'you see? We generally play three a-side, but as there are six of you we'll play double sides." He tossed the orange on to the deck, and hopped his chair in pursuit, brandishing the dessert-spoon.

People may think a dog-fight is a go-as-you-please outbreak of lawlessness, but there are rules and regulations simple, but effective. There were two umpires, a referee, a timekeeper, and two seconds for each dog. The stakes were said to be ten pounds a-side. After some talk, the dogs were carried to the centre of the ring by their seconds and put on the ground.

The cellar was left a-side, and the servants of the Hotel were obliged to bring up in the court-yard those of the band who could not walk any more; at last, the troop went out carrying away a good supply of provisions as wine, cigars, watches, jewels and purses stolen in the servants' rooms, and also clocks and about a hundred table-plates belonging to the Hotel.