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The temperature during the day ranges from 80 degrees to 84 degrees, and at night it is cold, 56 degrees to 58 degrees Fahr. It is very unhealthy, owing to the proximity of the river." "FEB. 2d. Marched five miles. F. carried in a litter, very ill. I fell ill likewise. Halted." "FEB. 3d. F. very ill. Carried her four miles and halted." "FEB. 4th. F. most seriously ill.

In a recent report made by the Treasury Department on the condition of the banks throughout the different States, according to returns dated nearest to January, 1857, the aggregate amount of actual specie in their vaults is $58,349,838, of their circulation $214,778,822, and of their deposits $230,351,352.

The Antarctic petrel has a pretty crouching attitude. Tuesday, December 20. Noon 68° 41' S., 179° 28' W. Made good S. 36 W. 58; C. Crozier S. 20 W. 563'. The good conditions held up to midnight last night; we went from lead to lead with only occasional small difficulties.

Few people outside of the cities eat them. The United States Fish Commissioners reported the product in one year: Arkansas, 58,800 lb., valued at $4162; Indiana, 24,000 lb., valued at $5026; Ohio, 14,000 lb., valued at $2340; Vermont, 5500 lb., valued at $825, etc. a total of $22,953.

Gooch's experiments upon a train weighing 100 tons, the resistance of the engine and tender at 13.1 miles per hour was found by the indicator to be 12.38 lbs.; the resistance per ton of the train, as ascertained by the dynamometer, was at the same speed 7.58 lbs., and the average resistance of locomotive and train was 9.04 lbs.

Imitations of Horace, Epis. ii. i. 75. See ante, ii. 58, and iii. 276. 'There was a club held at the King's Head in Pall Mall that arrogantly called itself The World. Epigrams were proposed to be written on the glasses by each member after dinner. Once when Dr.

Adding turn-outs and extra tracks at stations, the number of ties required for a single track is stated at 1,200 to the kilometre, or, as Clave computes, for the entire network of France, 58,000,000. This number is too large, for 16,000 + 8,000 for the double track halfway = 24,000, and 24,000 x 1,200 = 28,800,000.

On the 25th, at Tuquoroma, I recorded 10.510. In my tent, the temperature fluctuated with the state of the fire, from 26 degrees at night to 58 degrees when the sun beat on it; but the only choice was between cold and suffocating smoke.

Latitude 34 degrees 50 minutes South, Longitude 339 degrees 23 minutes West, or 20 degrees 37 minutes East, deduced from Yesterday's Observations. Wind East-South-East Southerly; course South 69 degrees 30 minutes West; distance 37 miles; Latitude 34 degrees 58 minutes South; longitude 339 degrees 30 minutes per Observation, 329 degrees 17 minutes per Reckoning. Wednesday, 13th.

Cæsar simply mentions the assassination of Pompeius. As to his age, Drumann observes, "He was born B.C. 106, and was consequently 58 years old when he was killed, on the 29th of September, or on the day before his birthday, about the time of the autumnal equinox according to the unreformed calendar."