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'There's a sweet little cherub that sits up aloft And looks out for the life of poor Jack. 'There! said I, releasing him a little, but still keeping my hands on his shoulders, 'je vous ai bel et bien embrasse and, as you would say, there is another French word. With his wig over one eye, he looked incredibly rueful and put out.

Khetî displays upon his walls all the incidents of a military life parades, war-dances, sieges, and sanguinary battle scenes. In this respect, as in all others, the Eighteenth Dynasty perpetuated the tradition of preceding ages. , in his fine tomb at Tell el Amarna, recounts the episode of his marriage with the daughter of Khûenaten.

But when Achan abstracted an idol and all its appurtenances from Jericho, the misfortune of Ai followed at once. Joshua inquired of God, why trouble had befallen Israel, but God refused to reply. He was no tale-bearer; the evil-doer who had caused the disaster would have to be singled out by lot. Joshua first of all summoned the high priest from the assembly of the people.

It proved surprisingly difficult to separate Mrs. Zamboni from her widow's weeds, which she had purchased with so great an expenditure of time and tears. Never had a respectable lady who had borne sixteen children received such a proposition; to sell the insignia of her grief and here in a hotel room, crowded with a dozen men! Nor was the task made easier by the unseemly merriment of the men. "Ai!

'I will come back, said Athira. 'Say rather that WE will come back, said Suket Singh. 'Ai; but when? said Athira's brother. 'Upon a day very early in the morning, said Suket Singh; and he tramped off to apply to the Colonel Sahib Bahadur for one week's leave. 'I am withering away like a barked tree in the spring, moaned Athira.

The men of Bethlehem and Netophah, an hundred fourscore and eight. The men of Anathoth, an hundred twenty and eight. The men of Bethazmaveth, forty and two. The men of Kirjathjearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred forty and three. The men of Ramah and Gaba, six hundred twenty and one. The men of Michmas, an hundred and twenty and two. The men of Bethel and Ai, an hundred twenty and three.

After the plants have attained the height of about 6 in., they are earthed up. When the leaves turn yellow, it is a sign that the potatoes are ripe. The Khasis possess very few agricultural sayings and proverbs, but the following may be quoted as examples: Wat ju ai thung jingthung ne bet symbai ha uba sniew kti. Do not allow plants to be planted or seeds to be sown by one who has a bad hand.

In the western valley rested two of the kings of the XVIIIth Dynasty, who desired even more remote burial-places, Amenhetep III and Ai. The former chose for his last home a most kingly site. Ancient kings had raised great pyramids of artificial stone over their graves.

[Footnote AI: The Christ in his mother's lap, after crucifixion, is always called in Italy a Piet

The mother and Ai could do little but weave; and by weaving alone they could not earn enough to live. House and lands first, then, article by article, all things not necessary to existence heirlooms, trinkets, costly robes, crested lacquer-ware passed cheaply to those whom misery makes rich, and whose wealth is called by the people Namida no kane, "the Money of Tears."