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The men and the woman were talking together loudly, even fiercely, and the ass was drawing his cart along the road without requiring assistance or direction. While there was a road he walked on it: when he might come to a cross road he would turn to the right: when a man said "whoh" he would stop: when he said "hike" he would go backwards, and when he said "yep" he would go on again.

"'It's old Booby's son, Tom. Well, it's the old man's shaft hoss; call out whoh! and he'll stop short, and pitch Tom right over his head on the broad of his back, whap.

"'It's old Booby's son, Tom. Well, it's the old man's shaft hoss; call out whoh! and he'll stop short, and pitch Tom right over his head on the broad of his back, whap.

"I know a place up here where we can stop for the night," said she, "and there's a little shebeen round the bend of the road where we can get anything we want." At the word "whoh" the ass stopped and one of the men took the harness off him. When he was unyoked the man gave him two kicks: "Be off with you, you devil, and see if you can get anything to eat," he roared.

"That woman hasn't got all the hunger of the world." "Why not," said the Philosopher, and he divided the cake. "There's a sup of water up yonder," said the first man, "and it will do to moisten the cake Whoh, you devil," he roared at the ass, and the ass stood stock still on the minute.

"God, and Mary, and Patrick, and Brigid be with you," said the woman. The ass, however, did not say a thing. As the word "whoh" had not entered into the conversation he knew it was none of his business, and so he turned to the right on the new path and continued his journey. "Where are you going to, stranger," said the first man. "I am going to visit Angus Og," replied the Philosopher.