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Slowly he arose, shaking in every limb, and not till he became erect did he unrivet his eyes from that yellow heap on the table. "Senor do you mock me?" he gasped, hoarsely. "You are crazy!" ejaculated the Spaniard. "Certainly ... But hurry! Do you accept?" "Senor, I would not sell that girl for all the gold of the Indies," replied Durade, instantly. No vacillation no indecision in him here.

She could not unrivet her gaze from Moore to look at her friend, but she reached out with trembling hand to him. Wade clasped it in a horny palm. Wilson fought for self-control in vain. "Collie, if you love me, how can you marry Jack Belllounds?" he demanded. "I must." "Why must you?" "I owe my life and my bringing up to his father. He wants me to do it.

He constantly pondered upon the possibilities through which his friend might be freed from the shackles that bound him to the effeminate serfdom of idleness; but the magic that could unrivet those fetters had not yet been revealed. Still he was sometimes stirred by a mysterious prescience that they would be loosened, and through his instrumentality.

So that was the impending horror. She could not unrivet her eyes from the paralyzed Kells, yet she seemed to see Jim Cleve leap straight up, and then stand, equally motionless, with Kells. "One cut of the cards my gold against the girl!" boomed the giant. Kells made a movement as if to go for his gun. But it failed. His hand was a shaking leaf.