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Just such a figure was a Pythagorean that came here of late, barefoot and wan, and said he was an Athenian. Marry, he too was in love, methinks, with a plate of pancakes. Aeschines. Friend, you will always have your jest, but beautiful Cynisca, she flouts me! I shall go mad some day, when no man looks for it; I am but a hair's-breadth on the hither side, even now. Thyonichus.

And now Wolf is everything with her. And if I could cease to love, the world would wag as well as may be. But now, now, as they say, Thyonichus, I am like the mouse that has tasted pitch. And what remedy there may be for a bootless love, I know not; except that Simus, he who was in love with the daughter of Epicalchus, went over seas, and came back heart-whole, a man of my own age.

One Aeschines tells Thyonichus the story of his quarrel with his mistress Cynisca. He speaks of taking foreign service, and Thyonichus recommends that of Ptolemy. The idyl was probably written at Alexandria, as a compliment to Ptolemy, and an inducement to Greeks to join his forces. There is nothing, however, to fix the date. Aeschines. All hail to the stout Thyonichus! Thyonichus.

As much to you, Aeschines. Aeschines. How long it is since we met! Thyonichus. Is it so long? But why, pray, this melancholy? Aeschines. I am not in the best of luck, Thyonichus. Thyonichus. 'Tis for that, then, you are so lean, and hence comes this long moustache, and these love-locks all adust.

Already, mark you, we four men were deep in our cups, when the Larissa man out of mere mischief, struck up, 'My Wolf, some Thessalian catch, from the very beginning. Then Cynisca suddenly broke out weeping more bitterly than a six-year-old maid, that longs for her mother's lap. Then I, you know me, Thyonichus, struck her on the cheek with clenched fist, one two!

And I too will cross the water, and prove not the first, maybe, nor the last, perhaps, but a fair soldier as times go. Thyonichus. Would that things had gone to your mind, Aeschines. But if, in good earnest, you are thus set on going into exile, PTOLEMY is the free man's best paymaster! Aeschines. And in other respects, what kind of man? Thyonichus. The free man's best paymaster!