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The Welland Canal was begun by a private company in 1824, opened for small boats five years later, and taken over by the province in 1840, after a record notable alike for energy and perseverance and for jobbery and inefficiency.

On opening a sealed order I had received from the Commander-in-Chief at Barbadoes I found I was to take on board some casks of lime juice for the men of the hospitals of Jamaica. Thinks I to myself, this is what Mr. Hume would have, in the Commons House, called jobbery, and a poor kind of job it turned out; for, on inspecting the lime juice at Port Royal, some of it was condemned as unfit for use.

Straggle of the Netherlands against Spain March to Turnhout Retreat of the Spanish commander Pursuit and attack Demolition of the Spanish army Surrender of the garrison of Turnhout Improved military science Moral effect of the battle The campaign in France Attack on Amiens by the Spaniards Sack and burning of the city De Rosny's plan for reorganization of the finances Jobbery and speculation Philip's repudiation of his debts Effects of the measure Renewal of persecution by the Jesuits Contention between Turk and Christian Envoy from the King of Poland to the Hague to plead for reconciliation with Philip His subsequent presentation to Queen Elizabeth Military events Recovery of Amiens Feeble operations of the confederate powers against Spain Marriage of the Princess Emilia, sister of Maurice Reduction of the castle and town of Alphen Surrender of Rheinberg Capitulation of Meurs Surrender of Grol Storming and taking of Brevoort Capitulation of Enschede, Ootmaxsum, Oldenzaal, and Lingen Rebellion of the Spanish garrisons in Antwerp and Ghent Progress of the peace movement between Henry and Philip Relations of the three confederate powers Henry's scheme for reconciliation with Spain His acceptance of Philip's offer of peace announced to Elizabeth Endeavours for a general peace.

You know, and you know that I know just what jobbery was done in the building trades' strike last fall, who put up the money, who did the work, and who profited by it." Again I repeat, play the game, play it to the last finish, but for goodness' sake don't squeal when you get hurt."

There was no apparent reason why Sir John Villiers should be ennobled, and his peerages were looked upon as a glaring piece of jobbery. The Court also, at this time, was becoming unpopular. Buckingham was filling it with licentious gallants and with ladies of a type to match them. At Whitehall, there was a constant round of dissipation and libertinism.

It of course implies the existence of an administration capable of regulating a railway system, and placed above the influence of jobbery and corruption. For the adoption of the policy of free competition Sir Robert Peel was especially responsible. He said, in his own defence, that he had not at his command power to control those undertakings. Mr.

That I translate to mean that Ulster feels that the policy of the spoils to the victors would be adopted, and that jobbery in Nationalist and Catholic interests would be rampant.

In the order of nature, a new assembly must come before long, and he will be indisposed to shock the feelings of the electors from whom that assembly must emanate. But though the interest of the Minister is inconsistent with appalling jobbery, he will be inclined to mitigated jobbery.

By this time they had a biggish fund of money for the support of strikes, and could stop a certain industry altogether for a time if they so determined." Said I: "Was there not a serious danger of such moneys being misused of jobbery, in fact?"

Straggle of the Netherlands against Spain March to Turnhout Retreat of the Spanish commander Pursuit and attack Demolition of the Spanish army Surrender of the garrison of Turnhout Improved military science Moral effect of the battle The campaign in France Attack on Amiens by the Spaniards Sack and burning of the city De Rosny's plan for reorganization of the finances Jobbery and speculation Philip's repudiation of his debts Effects of the measure Renewal of persecution by the Jesuits Contention between Turk and Christian Envoy from the King of Poland to the Hague to plead for reconciliation with Philip His subsequent presentation to Queen Elizabeth Military events Recovery of Amiens Feeble operations of the confederate powers against Spain Marriage of the Princess Emilia, sister of Maurice Reduction of the castle and town of Alphen Surrender of Rheinberg Capitulation of Meurs Surrender of Grol Storming and taking of Brevoort Capitulation of Enschede, Ootmaxsum, Oldenzaal, and Lingen Rebellion of the Spanish garrisons in Antwerp and Ghent Progress of the peace movement between Henry and Philip Relations of the three confederate powers Henry's scheme for reconciliation with Spain His acceptance of Philip's offer of peace announced to Elizabeth Endeavours for a general peace.