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I'se bery bad off fur 'baccer, I is, indeed, chile, an' de pay is mighty slow in dis house." "I have not a five-penny bit, Dinah, not one copper cent, if it were to save my life or yours." "Is dat ring of yours good guinea gole, honey?" asked the mercenary creature, leering at it. "It looks mighty bright and pretty, it does dat! But mebbe its nuffin but pinchbeck, after all."

A score of bullocks I had in the fair half a score sold in my pocket, and owing half that's John Dolan, twelve pound tin and Charley Duffy nine guineas and thirteen tin pinnies and a five-penny bit: stay, then, put that to the hundred guineas in the stocking at home. O'Bla.

Draw off the cyder when it hath been a fortnight in the barrel, put it into the same barrel again when you have cleaned it from the grounds, and if your apples were sharp, and that you find your cyder hard, put into every gallon of cyder a pound and half of sixpenny or five-penny sugar; to twelve gallons of this take half an ounce of isinglass, and put to it a quart of cyder; when your isinglass is dissolved, put to it three whites of eggs, whisk them altogether, and put them into your barrel; keep it close for two months and then bottle it.

"This is good isn't it, eh? life in a boarding-house quite new to you; but they are civilized now compared to what you'll find them in the drawing-room. When short whist for five-penny points sets in then Greek meets Greek, and we'll have it." During all this melee tournament, I perceived that the worthy jib as he would be called in the parlance of Trinity, Mr.

"This is good isn't it, eh? life in a boarding-house quite new to you; but they are civilized now compared to what you'll find them in the drawing-room. When short whist for five-penny points sets in then Greek meets Greek, and we'll have it." During all this melee tournament, I perceived that the worthy jib as he would be called in the parlance of Trinity, Mr.