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This does not apply so much to 2nd or 1st-class runners who, of course, prefer to make up their own parties, but, at any rate, these are protected from having the less experienced runner with them, except by invitation.

The runner who passed a year or two ago now hesitates to wear the gold badge, because he often realizes that his speed and turns are not good enough for what is now required. Judges of the British Ski tests may be found in most well-known centres, but, as there are very few 1st-class people, the tests for this class are usually run in one or two districts only.

The journey about £7 return 2nd-class or £9 1st-class, in addition. This can be reduced by travelling 3rd class in England and Switzerland, where at any rate it is quite possible to travel 3rd class on any mountain railway.

"Private 1st-class Daniel Fuselli, fall out and report to headquarters company!" Fuselli saw a look of surprise come over men's faces. He smiled wanly at Meadville. "Sergeant, take the men down to the station." "Squads, right," cried the sergeant. "March!" The company tramped off into the streaming rain.

The Ski-ing is well organized by the local club, and there are 1st-class Ski Instructors, as well as Certificated Guides. The rinks are well kept and the Klosters run of old renown is maintained in good condition for tobogganing or bobbing. There is quite a good Ski map to be obtained locally, but the Ordnance Map should be used as well. Skis can be hired locally.

"After all, the turns only have to be done on a steeper slope." "The run can be put off till next Winter, and passed the moment we come out," they say. The 1st-class standard is rising higher and higher as British Ski runners become more proficient.

"A feller told me, Sergeant-Major, that you was look-in' for a man with optical experience;" Fuselli's voice was velvety. "Well?" "I worked three years in an optical-goods store at home in Frisco." "What's your name, rank, company?" "Daniel Fuselli, Private 1st-class, Company C, medical supply warehouse." "All right, I'll attend to it." "But, sergeant."

The lieutenant spoke in short shrill periods, chopping off the ends of his words as if with a hatchet. No one said anything. "I guess he's S. O. L."; this from someone behind Fuselli. "And I have one more announcement to make, men," said the lieutenant in his natural voice. "I'm going to appoint Fuselli, 1st-class private, acting corporal." Fuselli's knees were weak under him.