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We must be there by that time. We want you to start to-night." The seaman looked round at his son, and the boy burst out laughing once again. "It 'ud be a rum start for a vyage at this time o' night, with half a gale from the sou'-west. I never heard tell o' sich a thing!"

"Jumped overboard off Finisterre, on the homeward vyage. Shocking thing, gamblin' when you lose." "Ach Gott! And those two knives upon the wall, the straight one and the one with the crook; is there a history about them?" "An incident," the major answered languidly. "Curious, but true. Saw it meself.

'It's a bad job for my creditors, he said, as he threw his hand down. Ged! I started on that vyage a poor captain, and I came into port very fairly well off, and sailing in me own ship, too! What d'ye think of that?" "Wunderbar!" ejaculated the German. "And the captain?" "Brandy, and delirium tremens," the major said, between the puffs of his cigarette.

Few of the places described by him have ever been identified with anything like precision. Of the newe landes and of ye people founde by the messengers of the kynge of Portyugale named Emanuel. of the R. Dyners Nacyons crystened. Of Pope John and his landes and of the costely keyes and wonders molo dyes that in that lande is. So haue we had our vyage.

They that described this vyage sayd that they rested betweene the mouthes of the riuers Stzuchogora and Potzscheriema, and left their victuals there which they brought with them from Russia. They haue great increase of foules, birdes, and diuers kindes of beastes: as Sables.

From the mouthes of Stzuchogora, sayling vp the riuer vnto Poiassa, Artawische, Cameni, and Poiassa the greater, is three weekes vyage. Furthermore, the ascending to the mount Camen, is three dayes iourney: from the which descending they come to the riuer Artawischa, and from thence to the riuer Sibut, from whence they passe to the Castle of Lepin, and from Lepin to the riuer Sossa.