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"Now you are one of us," said another student, and handed him a mask, skull-cap and pair of horns, the latter made of stuffed black cloth. "Do you promise to help us"? "Anydings vot you vonts." "Then come with us, and don't dare to open your mouth."

A few Sundays later I was sitting in the little tea-arbor of Rutli's nursery, peacefully smoking with him. Presently he took his long china-bowled pipe from his mouth, and, looking at me blandly over his yellow mustache, said: "You vonts sometimes to go in dot house, eh?" I said, "Decidedly." "Mit a revolver, and keep dot house dose men out?" "Yes!" "Vell! I put you in dot house today!" "Sunday?"

They had something like half a million in a corral, and about two thousand got away from them." This preposterous announcement was taken by Hans Mueller in all seriousness, and he asked Tom all sorts of ridiculous questions about the savage red men, whom he supposed as wild and wily as those of generations ago. "No, I ton't vonts to meet any of dem," he said at last. "Da vos von pad lot alretty!"

"Well, I want you to run for one, Dick," said Larry. "Hans, you'll vote for Dick, won't you?" "Yah, und I vonts him to vote for me, too," said the German youth. "Why, Hans, do you want to be water-carrier this year?" asked Sam. "Nein, I vonts to be high brivate py der rear rank alretty. Von of der fellows tole me dot would chust suit me."

"Hi, you! let up!" roared Tom, and knocked the half-empty cup to one side. "Let up, I say, or I'll have the landlord put you out." "I told you to take care, Tom," came from Sam, when the other boys had restored quietness. "When Hans gets his dander up he is dangerous." "Dot is drue," came from Hans. "I vonts no more of them chokes alretty."