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"What!" he exclaimed in complete astonishment, and regarded her fixedly for a moment. His tolerant manner, which he frequently assumed toward Barbara, grew stern. "Dr. Stone is my personal friend, as well as our family physician " "And a cousin of Margaret Brewster," put in Barbara mildly. "Well, what of it?" trenchantly, aware that he had colored at mention of the widow's name.

Fifty years ago he published an article in Fraser's Magazine on "Functions of an Upper House of Parliament." In this last he touched only briefly upon the former subject because of a notice by the metaphysical railings of his lecture that he was "to keep to the path," and not speak trenchantly on the question of the Upper House, because it would not have found an appreciative audience there!

Even Carlyle seems to have heard him gladly, and that is no ordinary compliment, considering Carlyle's own volubility, and the agonies, occasionally suppressed but generally trenchantly expressed, with which Carlyle listened to other well-known talkers like Coleridge and Macaulay.

"Josef says these strangers are spies. You must judge," she said trenchantly to her Counselors. Carter could have knelt before her as she spoke, for her voice proclaimed her disbelief. "This," she said turning to Calvert as she indicated the stern-faced veteran nearest the throne, "this is Colonel Sutphen, the Hereditary Chancellor of Krovitch and member of our Privy Council."