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Updated: August 4, 2024

Away over the Tatas Berg Mountains the lightning was flickering, and John and I lay watching it, and wishing the storm would break for us too. Suddenly we heard the bark of a baboon from a peak near us. It was answered from the other side, and soon a harsh chorus resounded on either hand. We listened. They seemed to be narrowing in upon us. Klaas crept near us.

Something worse has happened to him: Klaas believes he is there in that strange place the Hottentots have all heard of there in the Tatas Berg, in the baboons' secret place. "Well, ten more, fifteen years passed, and I often heard from John. He had thrown up sport, and strangely enough had devoted himself entirely to the same scientific research that had been his brother's bane.

If the saying is intended to be general, the translation should run thus: "Up to this day there is no man whose desires can be satiated." The Bombay text reads Kimanyat Kathayami te. The Bengal reading is Kimanyat srotumicchasi. The Bombay text reads Tatas parena; the Bengal reading is Tatas purvena. I adopt the former.

And yet, and yet, it is there! I soon found that all his inquiries among the natives tended in one direction: he sought the whereabouts of the secret place of the baboons in which they all believed. But none could tell him, till one day in the wild and remote region between the Great Fish River and the Tatas Mountains we came upon Jantje, an old Hottentot, who told us that he had seen the place.

To keep pace with the growth of the population which such huge and rapid extensions involve is no easy task, and the Tatas aim at making Jamsheedpur a model industrial town not unworthy of the high standard which they have reached in their works. It is to an Englishman, a son of the late Archbishop Temple, formerly in the Public Works Department, that the task has been entrusted.

How can persons challenge each other mentally, although they may single out their antagonists so? Nagas, which may mean both stones and trees. In either case, the comparison would apply. His pledge, viz., that in battle he would slay all the sons of Dhritarashtra. The Bengal reading is tatas kruddhar. The Bombay reading is vachas kruram. I adopt the latter.

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