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Their mistress eats and says, "I did not think that the blood of people tasted so badly, now I shall not send you again, for you have already killed many people." "You whom I send, go to the place where our relatives live in Sudipán," said Maganáwan of Nagbotobotán, "because I desire very much the blood of the rooster mixed with rice." "How many snakes and birds now," said the Ipogau.

Ala, let us go to Sudipán where the Tinguian live and let us take our igam, so that some one may make them bright again." Kaboniyan looked down on them. "Ala, I shall go down to the Ipogau." He truly went down to them, "What is the matter with you?" "We are all sick who live in the same place," said those sick ones.

When the anitos did not arrive at the accustomed time Kanag went out of the caldron and said to his sister, "Now, my sister, I will take you to Kadalayapan. Our father and mother do not know that I have a sister. Do not stay always with the anitos" His sister replied, "I cannot go to Sudipan when no one is making balaua, for I always make dawak as the anitos taught me.

When Kanag saw the young men below the house fighting about her, he took her again into the air so that the young men could not see her. As soon as they arrived in the air they met the anitos, and Kanag said to them, "I intended to keep my sister in Sudipan, for I had made a little golden house for her to live in, but I have brought her back, for all the young men are fighting about her."

I wanted to bring her when I came back, but she said she could not come to Sudipan when no one makes balaua, for she is always making dawak. She said if she came to Sudipan and did not make dawak everyone would be ill, so I did not bring her. If you wish to see your daughter, father, make balaua at once." So they made balaua, for they wished to see their daughter.

If I come in Sudipan when no one is making balaua it would make all of the people very ill." So Kanag went home. As soon as he arrived he told his father and mother to make balaua for he wanted his sister to see them. "We just made balaua. How can we make balaua again?" said his father and mother. "I want you to see my sister whom I found up in the air, where the anitos took her."

For the present we shall take their point of view and shall try to reconstruct the life in "the first times" as it appears in the tales. At other times these places are referred to as Sudipan the term by which spirits are supposed to call the present earth while the actors are referred to as Ipogau the spirit name for Tinguian.

For the present we shall take their point of view and shall try to reconstruct the life in "the first times" as it appears in the tales. At other times these places are referred to as Sudipan the term by which spirits are supposed to call the present earth while the actors are referred to as Ipogau the spirit name for Tinguian.