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Changeableness of Bonaparte's plans and opinions Articles for the 'Moniteur' dictated by the First Consul The Protocol of the Congress of Chatillon Conversations with Davoust at Hamburg Promise of the Viceroyalty of Poland Hope and disappointment of the Poles Influence of illusion on Bonaparte The French in Moscow Disasters of the retreat Mallet's conspiracy Intelligence of the affair communicated to Napoleon at Smolensko Circumstances detailed by Rapp Real motives of Napoleon's return to Paris Murat, Ney, and Eugene Power of the Italians to endure cold Napoleon's exertions to repair his losses Defection of General York Convocation of a Privy Council War resolved on Wavering of the Pope Useless negotiations with Vienna Maria Louisa appointed Regent.

Peace concluded with France and Scotland by Henry VIII of England. Smolensko renounces its subjection to Poland and becomes part of Russia. Ambassadors from Portugal present to Pope Leo X an elephant, a panther, with other animals and products of their new territories in the East. Wolsey created cardinal, papal legate, and lord chancellor.

To the ideal commander of to-day, watching the fight at a distance, calmly weighing its course, undisturbed except by distant random shots, it is strange to compare Ney staggering through the gate of Konigsberg all covered with blood; smoke and snow, musket in hand, announcing himself as the rear-guard of France, or appearing, a second Achilles, on the ramparts of Smolensko to encourage the yielding troops on the glacis, or amidst the flying troops at Waterloo, with uncovered head and broken sword, black with powder, on foot, his fifth horse killed under him, knowing that life, honour, and country were lost, still hoping against hope and attempting one more last desperate rally.

Of tallow there hath bene shipped out of the Realme a few yeeres since about 100000. pood yerely, now not past 30000. or thereabouts. The best yeeld of tallow is in the parts and territories of Smolensko, Yaruslaue, Ouglits, Nouogrod, and Vologda, Otfer, and Gorodetskey. Their Losh or Buffe hide is very faire and large. There hath bene transported by merchants strangers some yeres 100000. hides.