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It was probably a wise arrangement of Paul, who was much of a scholar, and probably had frequent conferences, on this important subject, with Luke, whom we all know to have been bred to the practice of medicine " There is no telling how far the discursive fancy of Sitgreaves might have led him, on this subject, had he not been interrupted.

Miller rather enjoys the distinction of being the only known deer hunter of the West who has chased his game and killed it with a locomotive. Surrounding Mountains. One should not fail to look back, as the train journeys along, for fine, full views of the Volcanic Mountains, the San Franciscos, Kendricks, Sitgreaves and Williams.

"'Twas no wonder the boy died of a lockjaw!" Doctor Sitgreaves looked out of the window in admiration of the brilliant morning, striving all he could to avoid the basilisk's eyes of his comrade. He was impelled, by a feeling that he could not conquer, however, to look Captain Lawton in the face.

"'Tis impossible quite impossible," cried the surgeon. "It is in vain, Captain Lawton, that human ingenuity endeavors to baffle the efforts of nature. Think, my dear sir; in this case you separate all the arteries injure all of the intestines sever all of the nerves and sinews, and, what is of more consequence, you " "You have said enough, Dr. Sitgreaves, to convince a member of a rival school.

Sitgreaves, take care of our friend, while I revenge his death." The major hastened back to his charger, and led the way in pursuit of the enemy. While Dunwoodie had been thus engaged, the body of Lawton lay in open view of the whole squadron.

Sitgreaves exhibited his shapeless form once more on horseback; and the trooper appeared in the saddle, rejoicing in his emancipation.

Miss Peyton, her two nieces, and Isabella were placed in the chariot, while the cart of Mrs. Flanagan, amply supplied with blankets and a bed, was honored with the person of Captain Singleton. Dr. Sitgreaves took charge of the chaise and Mr. Wharton.

"Well, it war he doctor, heself, so he come up on a gallop, as he always do on a doctor's errand." "'Twas Doctor Sitgreaves; he never knows the countersign himself.

"I must fall back on the personal then," said Sitgreaves, now really at bay, "and say that I am less moved and interested when Moore is describing Evelyn Innes, than when he tells of his affair with Doris at Orelay." "I am glad that you mentioned 'Evelyn Innes' again," I said, "because it is in this very book that he is said to have painted so many of his friends. Ulick Dean is undoubtedly Yeats.

NAYS Messrs. Boyer, Brooks, Chanler, Dawson, Eldridge, Finck, Glossbrenner, Grider, Aaron Harding, Harris, Hogan, Edwin N. Hubbell, James M. Humphrey, Kerr, Le Blond, Marshall, McCullough, Niblack, Nicholson, Noell, Samuel J. Randall, Ritter, Rogers, Ross, Rosseau, Shanklin, Sitgreaves, Strouse, Taber, Taylor, Thornton, Trimble, and Wright 33. NOT VOTING Messrs.