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Against all Quaker principles David's sinful arm was lifted to strike, but Hope's hand prevented him, and Shelek Pasha motioned back the Abyssinian slaves who had sprung forward menacingly from behind a screen. Hope led the outraged David, hatless, into the street.

Meanwhile, Shelek Pasha talked of the school, of the donkey-market, the monopoly of which the Khedive had granted David; and of the new prosperous era opening up in Egypt, due to the cotton David had introduced as an experiment. David's heart waxed proud within him that he had walked out of Framley to the regeneration of a country.

Shelek Pasha was disturbed, as he proved by replying in French he had spent years of his youth in France: "Par la force morale, toujours, madame by moral force, always," he hastened to add in English. Then, casting down his eyes with truly Armenian modesty, he continued in Arabic: "By the word of peace, oh woman of the clear eyes to whom God give length of days!"

That day David and Hope, the one in a pith helmet, the other with a turquoise ring on her left hand, went to dine with Shelek Pasha, the Armenian Governor of the province, a man of varied talents, not least of which was deceit of an artistic kind.

That day David and Hope, the one in a pith helmet, the other with a turquoise ring on her left hand, went to dine with Shelek Pasha, the Armenian Governor of the province, a man of varied talents, not least of which was deceit of an artistic kind.

He likened himself to Joseph, son of Jacob; and at once the fineness of his first purposes became blunted. As Shelek Pasha talked on, of schools, of taxes, of laws, of government, to David, with no hat on Samson without his hair Hope's mind was working as it had never worked before.

He likened himself to Joseph, son of Jacob; and at once the fineness of his first purposes became blunted. As Shelek Pasha talked on, of schools, of taxes, of laws, of government, to David, with no hat on Samson without his hair Hope's mind was working as it had never worked before.

And Abdul Huseyn prevailed against Shelek Pasha at a price; for Hope, seeing no need for martyrdom, had not hesitated to open her purse. Three days afterward, David, with Abdul Huseyn, went to the Palace of the Khedive at Cairo, and within a week Shelek Pasha was on his way to Fazougli, the hot Siberia.