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Updated: August 22, 2024

For some facts and references to the extensive literature concerning this trade, see, e.g., Bloch, Das Sexualleben Unserer Zeit, pp. 374-376; also K.M. Baer, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, Sept., 1908; Paulucci de Calboli, Nuova Antologia, April, 1902. These considerations do not, it is true, apply to many kinds of sexual perverts who form an important proportion of the clients of brothels.

See, e.g., a weighty chapter in the Sexualleben und Nervenleiden of Löwenfeld, one of the most judicious authorities on sexual pathology. Twenty-five years ago, as many will remember, the medical student was usually taught that preventive methods of intercourse led to all sorts of serious results.

In this case, all four sisters, who were very beautiful, married, one at least very happily, to a rich doctor who took her out of the brothel at sixteen and educated her." This fact is not contradicted by the undoubted fact that prostitutes are by no means always contented with the life they choose. This point has been discussed by Bloch, Sexualleben unserer Zeit, Ch.

And the mass of people in most northern countries have still passed little beyond this stage of discernment; in ability to distinguish between the beautiful and the obscene they are still on the level of the plough-boy and the servant-girl. It may be added that the sexual life of the child has been exhaustively investigated by Moll, Das Sexualleben des Kindes, 1909.

Thus in Munich, in 1908, a man who had given gonorrhoea to a servant-girl was sent to prison for ten months on this ground. The state of German opinion to-day on this subject is summarized by Bloch, Sexualleben unserer Zeit, p. 424. A. Després, La Prostitution

On the other hand one gains the impression that the existence of love in childhood is in no need of demonstration. The recent book of A. Moll, Das Sexualleben des Kindes, Berlin, 1909, offers no occasion for such a modification. A book by Mrs. Dr. H.v. Cf. also The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, The Macmillan Co., New York, and Unwin, London.

Many illustrations are brought together in Gesell's study of "Jealousy." Jealousy among lower races may be disguised or modified by tribal customs. She would have nothing to do with anyone but him and that was her only failing!" Rasmussen elsewhere shows that the Eskimo are capable of extreme jealousy. See, e.g., Moll, Sexualleben des Kindes, p. 158; cf., Gesell's "Study of Jealousy."

A. Sherwell, Life in West London, 1897, Ch. As quoted by Bloch, Sexualleben Unserer Zeit, p. 358. In Berlin during recent years the number of prostitutes has increased at nearly double the rate at which the general population has increased. It is no doubt probable that the supply tends to increase the demand. Goncourt, Journal, vol. iii, p. 49. Vanderkiste, The Dens of London, 1854, p. 242.

In this way venereal disease, though not entirely uprooted, was very greatly diminished. A clear and comprehensive statement of the present position of the question is given by Iwan Bloch, Das Sexualleben Unserer Zeit, Chs.

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