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ZOOLOGY Scripture Animals; The Hart; The Roebuck; Fallow-Deer; Wild Goat; Pygarg; Wild Ox; Chamois; Unicorn; Wild Ass; Wild Goats of the Rock; Saphan, or Coney; Mouse; Porcupine; Jerboa; Mole; Bat. BIRDS Eagle; Ossifrage; Ospray; Vulture; Kite; Raven; Owl; Nighthawk; Cuckoo; Hawk; Little Owl; Cormorant; Great Owl; Swan; Pelican; Gier Eagle; Stork; Heron; Lapwing; Hoopoe.

Hibernia, Ireland, a considerable island to the west of Great Britain, G. v. 13 This name appears to be derived from the Phoenician Saphan, a rabbit, vast numbers of these animals being found there by the Phoenician colonists Iccius, or Itius Portus, a seaport town of ancient Gaul; Boulogne, or, according to others, Calais

The saphan of the Bible is usually translated cony. "The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats, and the rocks for the conies." But it is now believed that the ashkoko, an animal mentioned by Bruce, presents properties which accord much better with the description of the saphan given in different parts of the Old Testament, than the cony, hare, or rabbit.

A living writer, who has considered this subject with great attention, gives as the result of his inquiry, that the saphan of the ancient Hebrews, rendered "cony" in the English Bible, is a very different animal; that it has a nearer resemblance to the hedgehog, the bear, the mouse, the jerboa, or the marmot, though it is not any of these.

Sometimes milk is poured over the head, as gold and silver in the Nuzzeranah of India. These ceremonies are usually performed by low-caste men; the free-born object to act in them. The Somal call it Hiddik or Anukub; the quills are used as head scratchers, and are exported to Aden for sale. I It appears to be the Ashkoko of the Amharas, identified by Bruce with the Saphan of the Hebrews.