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The sleighing could not be better. Saturday the Ninth Dinky-Dunk's Christmas present came to-day, over two weeks late. He had never mentioned it, and I had not only held my peace, but had given up all thought of getting a really-truly gift from my lord and master. They brought it out from Buckhorn, in the bobsleigh, all wrapped up in old buffalo-robes and blankets and tarpaulins.

That won't be rough like soldiers. But I'm going to be a really-truly soldier. I'm going to be a norficer in the army." "I got a cousin that's an officer in the army," Gertie said grandly, bringing her yellow-ribboned braid round over her shoulder and gently brushing her lips with the end. "Cross-your-heart?" "Um-huh." "Cross-your-heart, hope-t'-die if you ain't?" "Honest he's an officer."

Potts had to bestir himself and wash dishes before he could indulge in his "line." When the grilled reindeer did appear, flanked by really-truly potatoes and the Colonel's hot Kentucky biscuit, there was no longer doubt in any man's mind but what this Blow-Out was being a success. "Colonel's a daisy cook, ain't he?" the Boy appealed to Father Wills. The Jesuit assented cordially.

"He is the soul of honor," Ruth declared. "I trust him as I do well, Tom. I never had a brother." "I've always shared Tom with you," pouted Helen. "So you have, dear," admitted Ruth. "But a girl who has had no really-truly brother really has missed something. Perhaps good, perhaps bad. But, at least, if you have brothers you understand men better."

Then with a sudden burst of confidence, "In really-truly life, Princesses are not much good. Don't any of you ever be a Princess if you can help it!" After planting this seed of treasonable ideas she turned away, adding: "No, no, no! I've run away and I must go back. To-morrow we will have a wonderful story but no more to-day."