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Updated: August 19, 2024

On account of being such general feeders they are difficult to control, but some relief may be obtained by keeping the houses and barns as free as possible from dirt and rubbish and by sprinkling the breeding-places of the pest with pyrethrum powder or carbolic water. Those that gain an entrance into the skin should be cut out, care being taken to remove the insect entire.

The same halfway doubling is recorded to occur among composites sometimes, and from the same source I possess in my collection a head of Pyrethrum roseum, bearing on half of its disk elongated corolla tubes, and on the other half the small disk-florets of the typical species. It is a current belief, that varieties are improved by continued culture.

As his account of the cultivation of pyrethrum is the best we know of we quote here his experience in full, with but few slight omissions: "The soil best adapted to its culture should be composed of pure ground, somewhat silicious and dry. Moisture and the presence of clay are injurious, the plant being extremely sensitive to an excess of water, and would in such case immediately perish.

Filled with earth, each bears a showy plant lobelia, pyrethrum, saxifrage, or what not, with the utmost neatness, making a border; and they last eternally. But there was still much stooping, of course, whilst I became more impatient of it.

There are very few data at hand concerning the discovery of the insecticide properties of pyrethrum. The powder has been in use for many years in Asiatic countries south of the Caucasus mountains. It was sold at a high price by the inhabitants, who successfully kept its nature a secret until the beginning of this century, when an Armenian merchant, Mr.

Canna, Caladium, Ricinus, Coleus, "Golden Feather" Pyrethrum and the gray Centaurea cover pretty nearly the entire list.

Both are excellent for working out the finer details of a design. Pyrethrum "Golden Feather" with feathery foliage of a tawny yellow. Centaurea gymnocarpa, "Dusty Miller," with finely-cut foliage of a cool gray. Geranium Madame Salleroi with pale green and white foliage.

Dry earth can be stored for this purpose. Sitting hens should have access to dust baths. Second: The second method by which body-lice may be destroyed is the use of insect powder. The pyrethrum powder is considered the best for this purpose, but is expensive and difficult to procure in the pure state. Tobacco dust is also used.

They say that the effluvium of C. campestris is abhorrent to snakes of all kinds, just as pyrethrum powder is to most insects, and even go so far as to describe its effect as fatal to them; according to this, the smell is therefore a protection to the deer.

"The ancients mention many medicaments, which draw out the teeth without iron instruments or which make them more easy to draw out; such as the milky juice of the tithymal with pyrethrum, the roots of the mulberry and caper, citrine arsenic, aqua fortis, the fat of forest frogs.

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