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Updated: August 18, 2024

See J.B. Soalhat, Les Idées de Maistre Alebrand de Florence sur la Puériculture, Thèse de Paris, 1908. Hesiod, Works and Days, II, 690-700. This has long been the accepted opinion of medical authorities, as may be judged by the statements brought together two centuries ago by Schurig, Parthenologia, pp. 22-25.

This was a sound instinct, for it is now recognized as an extremely important part of puericulture that a woman should rest at all events during the latter part of pregnancy; see, e.g., Pinard, Gazette des Hôpitaux, November 28, 1895, and Annales de Gynécologie, August, 1898. Griffith Wilkin, British Medical Journal, April 8, 1905. Weininger, Geschlecht und Charakter, p. 107.

The Child's Right to Choose Its Ancestry How This is Effected The Mother the Child's Supreme Parent Motherhood and the Woman Movement The Immense Importance of Motherhood Infant Mortality and Its Causes The Chief Cause in the Mother The Need of Rest During Pregnancy Frequency of Premature Birth The Function of the State Recent Advance in Puericulture The Question of Coitus During Pregnancy The Need of Rest During Lactation The Mother's Duty to Suckle Her Child The Economic Question The Duty of the State Recent Progress in the Protection of the Mother The Fallacy of State Nurseries.

There is a specialty now growing in the womb of science which in its own good time will come to fruition as the study of the child's needs or puericulture. Even today there exists a scientific basis for the formulation of the principles upon which every child should be brought up.

The Pineal Era, from the second to the tenth to fourteenth years, remains to be investigated from a number of viewpoints interesting to the parent, the educator, and the student of puericulture. Precocity is directly related to early involution of the pineal. For just as the thymus involutes at the second year, the pineal atrophies before the onset of adolescence.

Every department of human life, the questions of labor and industry, science and art, education, puericulture, international problems, crime and disease, may be illuminated. War and Sex, those two master interests of mankind, may be understood and handled sympathetically as they have never before. The reactions of man alone, and man in the crowd, will be clarified.

The science of education has yet to begin, as the offspring of that science of the future, to which knowledge of the internal secretions will contribute no little, the science of puericulture. It is difficult, indeed, to avoid becoming merely enthusiastic upon the possibilities of the applications of the endocrines to the educational domain.

The movement is now spreading throughout Europe, and an International Union has been formed, including all the institutions specially founded for the protection of child life and the promotion of puericulture.

Pinard, the greatest of authorities on puericulture, asserts that there must be complete cessation of sexual intercourse during the whole of pregnancy, and in his consulting room at the Clinique Baudelocque he has placed a large placard with an "Important Notice" to this effect.

The Child's Right to Choose Its Ancestry How This is Effected The Mother the Child's Supreme Parent Motherhood and the Woman Movement The Immense Importance of Motherhood Infant Mortality and Its Causes The Chief Cause in the Mother The Need of Rest During Pregnancy Frequency of Premature Birth The Function of the State Recent Advance in Puericulture The Question of Coitus During Pregnancy The Need of Rest During Lactation The Mother's Duty to Suckle Her Child The Economic Question The Duty of the State Recent Progress in the Protection of the Mother The Fallacy of State Nurseries.

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